Over the past few years, the Dutch Military has undergone huge changes, including a reorganizing of departments and a major down sizing, resulting of thousands of job losses. To its officers, who had become accustomed to the safety of a government position, these changes have been extremely difficult to deal with. We were approached about creating a series of stories that inspired the listener to think about change and ease their role changes within the organization.

Defense case 03

We wrote and performed a live show called MAKING EXODUS, that explored change, transition, fear, and hope through storytelling. They were both poignant and humorous, and included personal stories, as well as classic folktales and nature stories.

Your gave the audience a secure feeling while touching on the core of the problems. You awakened an important message in all of us!”
Egon Beeart Deputy Chief, Staff Leadership

The show was performed live at a series of military events and day long conferences, including a meeting of generals in the spring of 2012 and at the Naval base in Den Helder for naval officers in early 2013 and 2014. More performances are forthcoming, as well as the addition of written materials.

The deputy chief was amazed by the stories’ ability to open up dialogue among officers and lead to self -reflection. He was lauded by his department for his innovation and has plans to expand the use of stories, both live and in print and online, as a vehicle for change.

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